[Kde-women] bei wem kommen die Fragen an?

Koltzenburg claudia.koltzenburg at rrz.uni-hamburg.de
Wed Sep 1 12:00:46 CEST 2004

Hi Bernard, hey all, 


thanks for your mail which prompts me to observe: what a very 
familiar way of male contemporaries to react: 

> I take your email as a chance to present myself. 


> We try to figure
> out why there are so few women in the free software world (all
> major surveys on free software developers show that there are
> less than 2% women involved) and what one could do to change
> the situation. 

hm, for me the gesture includes the message: watch out, women, 
you're being watched :-)
and: you are so few...

well, while it may just be a nice transparent gesture of yours, i 
do not know the solution to the situation you've just placed 
yourself (and other list members) in - and i realise this is one 
reason why i definitely prefer patronising-free women-only 
lists :-)

you posing as an anthroplogist, can you help solve this situation 
- or may i suggest you rather let female colleagues of yours 
speak on this issue here?

what do others think about this?

and: can someone please try to explain to me why this list is so 

best, Claudia
Claudia Koltzenburg, M.A. | tel: +49 (0)40 42838 4892
Projektmanagement DFG-Projekt GAP - German Academic Publishers
claudia.koltzenburg _at__ rrz.uni-hamburg.de | www.gap-c.de
Postadresse s. www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/RRZ/C.Koltzenburg/

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