[Kde-women] bei wem kommen die Fragen an?

blk20 blk20 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 1 11:50:14 CEST 2004

Hi Claudia,

Thanks for your post. I take your email as a chance to present myself. I
am Bernhard, a social anthropologist, currently undertaking ethnographic
fieldwork in France. I am working for the University of Cambridge and I
do research in the realm of free software. 

I am on a EU funded project called flosspols. We try to figure out why
there are so few women in the free software world (all major surveys on
free software developers show that there are less than 2% women
involved) and what one could do to change the situation. In my project
team there are three more anthropologists (Dawn Nafus - specialised on
technology), James Leach (specialist in creativity and exchange theory)
and Marilyn Strathern (also working on exchange, author of the book 'The
gender of the gift'). 

My participation in the world of free software is not limited to online
groups (such as kde-women or linux chix), but I also engage in offline
events such as LUGs, conferences and camps. I get the impression that
there are more women in offline events than in online channels. Of
course this is hard to evaluate. I also have the impression that there
are more women involved in creative free software activities that are
not related to coding (such as design, advocacy, documentation,

Cheers	,

On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 10:33, Koltzenburg wrote:
> Hallo in die Runde,
> ich bin seit Neuerem KDE-Userin und habe ein paar Fragen,
> aber vorher möchte ich gern wissen, wer hier so mitliest und bei 
> wem die Fragen also ankommen :-) 
> Gruesse, Claudia

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