[Kde-women]Re: kde-women digest, Vol 1 #81 - 5 msgs

Sallie Krebs kde-women@mail.kde.org
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 16:02:36 -0600

On Monday 04 March 2002 05:02, kde-women-request@mail.kde.org wrote:

> Message: 1
> From: Rachel Andrew <lists@rachelandrew.co.uk>

> I'm Rachel, I'm a web developer with my own company - working mainly
> with ASP/SQL Server (sorry!) but increasingly with PHP/mySQL...

> time. I run Debian (testing).

I see we have some things in common... I run Debian- mostly unstable. 
I'm fighting with getting Apache/PHP/MySQL working at the moment. My 
husband is the database & networking guru, but mostly in the Windows 
and Novell areas- so he can't help me much. When we retire in a few 
years, I'd love to do something like you- in web development.

Sallie - aka: TuxGal