Craft Error

Robert Lancaster rlancaste at
Mon Apr 2 16:28:01 UTC 2018

Hi Hannah,

I got two new craft errors on OS X.  It has been about a couple of weeks since I built KStars using craft, so I don’t know when the problems would have appeared.  The first one was that it needed XML::Parser, so I tried 

cpanm XML::Parser

And that seemed to fix that problem.  I’m not sure if this needs to be stated as a requirement someplace, but I didn’t have to run that command before.

The other error is related to intltool.  It says that my intltool is too old, but I believe it is included as a part of craft and if I am not mistaken, it is newer than 0.35.  I am assuming the regex error on the line before means that it did not run the check correctly:

/bin/bash: b'Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^(.*)\\${ <-- HERE ?([A-Z_]+)}?(.*)$/ at /Users/rlancaste/AstroRoot/kstars-craft/dev-utils/bin/intltool-update line 1065.'
/bin/bash: b'checking for intltool >= 0.35.0...  found'
/bin/bash: b'configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later.’

I can send more details including the log files if they are needed.  Do I need to install something or is this an error in craft?


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