kontact in kde on windows

Francesco Lazzarotto flazzarotto1 at alice.it
Wed Jan 7 22:19:26 UTC 2015

Hello I've just installed kde for windows and I'm trying to set up
Kontact in order to use it trying to importing my previously saved 
address list file.
when I try to create a new address book I receive this error message:
"Could not create address book: Agent instance creation timed out."
I also get an error "nepomuk semantic desktop needs the virtuoso RDF 
server to store its data ..." when
I try to run Akonadi konsole.
Do you think I'd try to run single programs .exe directly in the KDE\bin 
I'd like to collaborate with the kde windows project and I was thinking 
to start making
Kontact to work on my windows laptop

Thank you for your answer
Good bye.

Francesco Lazzarotto.

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