KDE-Windows build: working but incomplete

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Sat May 4 20:04:18 UTC 2013

Am 03.05.2013 18:08, schrieb Pietro Mele:
> Hello,
> I am trying to build KDE-Windows.
> However, when running the installer, in the Package Categories, I have
> the “devel-tools” section empty, and there is no “debug-tools” section
> at all.
> So I cannot install things like gcc, gdb, debugview, ...

Building KDE on Windows should be done using emerge
(http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Windows/emerge). For
getting digikam, you should use the self-hosted installer though.

> Also kdebase is missing. Kdeedu is non selectable.

kdebase is now split into kde-baseapps, kde-runtime and kde-workspace
kdeedu (and thus all metapackages) should be selectable, this is a bug
in the kdewin-installer...


> I need these tools to build the digiKam
> <http://www.digikam.org/drupal/node/525> program.

There is a digikam only installer available, which is the preferred
choice of installation. There will also hopefully be an updated version
of that installer available soon.


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