KDE Windows installer available over KDE mirror network

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 19:39:14 UTC 2013

Am 21.03.2013 09:45, schrieb Mogliii:
> Im getting a
> "failed to download site list page from 
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows/"
> and then the installer crashes. (Windows 7)
the sourceforge url is a fallback. It  indicates that the installer is 
somehow not been able to fetch the site list page from the primary 
location, which is http://download.kde.org/stable/4.8.0 when you select 
"download.kde.org" as mirror, "stable 4.8.0" as release and the proxy 
settings are correct and your network connection works.
> If I type that URL into a browser it resolves to 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/kde-windows/files/.
> Really curious about the 1.0 version!
Using sourceforge as fallback worked for several years, but in the last 
month they has been proved as not been reliable enough. In fact there 
url redirection seems to be broken.
This is one of the reasons why we switched over to the kde mirror 
network. Because www.winkde.org is currently offline there is no working 
fallback yet.

BTW: This installer has been used about  85.000 times a month in the 
last 7 years, so I guess there is a solution for your problem: :-)


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