Installation failing (and so is starting many KDE programs)

Alan Wood alan_wood at
Sun Feb 3 20:25:22 UTC 2013

I've been trying to get KMyMoney working on Windows and have been
unsuccessful.  The funny thing is that it worked 2 weeks ago with no issue
and I wasn't aware of changing anything about my KDE install.  Today, I
tried to start it and it just kept not coming up.

I finally found the DbgViewer program so that I could get some status as to
why it wasn't loading (there was nothing in the event viewer...which seems
odd for a windows program):

When I try to start the program, this is what I get:

[2328] kmymoney(2328)/kdeui (kdelibs): Session bus not found
[2328] To circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and
[2328] export $(dbus-launch)

I've tried everything I can think of to get dbus up and running.  At this
point, I'm lost and would love some help debugging what is going wrong.
 (Maybe give me a few KDE tricks for tracking down issues?)

Information about my environment:

Windows 7
"Standard" user (UAE on)
Installer location: D:\KDE\kdewin-installer-gui-latest.exe
Install Directory: D:\KDE\Install
Temp/Download Directory: D:\KDE\Temp (or) D:\KDE\Download (tried both)
Avast Antivirus (if this is important)

This is what I've tried (among other things in the past 3 hours):

1) Uninstall / Reinstall of KDE from my user account
2) Uninstall / Reinstall of KDE from my "admin" account on the system
3) Install to C:\Program Files instead of D:\KDE...
4) Add D:\KDE\Install\Bin to path environment variable
5) Run dbus-env.bat before running KMyMoney.exe
6) Run dbus-launch
7) Run dbus-daemon from command line:

D:\KDE\Install\bin>dbus-daemon --system
Unknown username "root" in message bus configuration file
Failed to start message bus: Failed to bind socket "localhost:25806":
Address already in use

D:\KDE\Install\bin>netstat -a -n | find "26318"
<No Result>

D:\KDE\Install\bin>dbus-daemon --session
Failed to start message bus: Failed to bind socket "localhost:26318":
Address already in use

D:\KDE\Install\bin>netstat -a -n | find "26318"
<No Result>

~~~ Snippet from running dbus-monitor ~~~

Failed to open connection to session bus: Failed to get autolaunch address
launched dbus-daemon

~~~ Snippet from end of installer (using DbgViewer) : Note the inability to
find the session bus ~~~

[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:11] Debug: application finished false
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:11] Debug: checking for app  "kbuildsycoca4"  -
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:11] Debug: running  "kbuildsycoca4"
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:15] Debug: application finished false
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:15] Debug: checking for app  "kwinstartmenu"  -
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:15] Debug: running  "kwinstartmenu" ("--remove")
[3580] Fatal:kwinstartmenu(3580)/kdeui (kdelibs): Session bus not found
[3580] To circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and
[3580] export $(dbus-launch)
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:17] Debug: application finished false
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:17] Debug: checking for app  "kwinstartmenu"  -
[5308] [2013-02-03 15:06:17] Debug: running  "kwinstartmenu"
("--enable-categories", "--set-name-string", "", "--set-version-string",
"", "--install")
[400] Fatal:kwinstartmenu(400)/kdeui (kdelibs): Session bus not found
[400] To circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and
[400] export $(dbus-launch)
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