Redland/Rasqal build issues

Laszlo Papp lpapp at
Wed Sep 7 19:00:34 UTC 2011


Thank you for your answer! Unfortunately, I have not had redland-src
installed, but removing that tray file solved the issue. Here is the
next one with phonon-vlc.

Best Regards,
Laszlo Papp

ource at 3@@Z)
mediaobject.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dlli
mport) public: class QByteArray __thiscall Phonon::Mrl::toEncoded(class QFlags<e
num QUrl::FormattingOption>)const " (__imp_?toEncoded at Mrl@Phonon@@QBE?AVQByteArr
ay@@V?$QFlags at W4FormattingOption@QUrl@@@@@Z) referenced in function "public: vir
tual void __thiscall Phonon::VLC::MediaObject::setSource(class Phonon::MediaSour
ce const &)" (?setSource at MediaObject@VLC at Phonon@@UAEXABVMediaSource at 3@@Z)
mediaobject.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dlli
mport) public: class Phonon::Mrl __thiscall Phonon::MediaSource::mrl(void)const
" (__imp_?mrl at MediaSource@Phonon@@QBE?AVMrl at 2@XZ) referenced in function "public
: virtual void __thiscall Phonon::VLC::MediaObject::setSource(class Phonon::Medi
aSource const &)" (?setSource at MediaObject@VLC at Phonon@@UAEXABVMediaSource at 3@@Z)
mediaobject.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dlli
mport) public: __thiscall Phonon::MediaSource::MediaSource(void)" (__imp_??0Medi
aSource at Phonon@@QAE at XZ) referenced in function "public: __thiscall Phonon::VLC::
MediaObject::MediaObject(class QObject *)" (??0MediaObject at VLC@Phonon@@QAE at PAVQO
streamreader.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dll
import) public: virtual __thiscall Phonon::StreamInterface::~StreamInterface(voi
d)" (__imp_??1StreamInterface at Phonon@@UAE at XZ) referenced in function __unwindfun
clet$??0StreamReader at VLC@Phonon@@QAE at ABVMediaSource@2 at PAVMediaObject@12@@Z$0
streamreader.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dll
import) public: void __thiscall Phonon::StreamInterface::connectToSource(class P
honon::MediaSource const &)" (__imp_?connectToSource at StreamInterface@Phonon@@QAE
XABVMediaSource at 2@@Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall Phonon::VLC::St
reamReader::StreamReader(class Phonon::MediaSource const &,class Phonon::VLC::Me
diaObject *)" (??0StreamReader at VLC@Phonon@@QAE at ABVMediaSource@2 at PAVMediaObject@1
streamreader.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dll
import) protected: __thiscall Phonon::StreamInterface::StreamInterface(void)" (_
_imp_??0StreamInterface at Phonon@@IAE at XZ) referenced in function "public: __thisca
ll Phonon::VLC::StreamReader::StreamReader(class Phonon::MediaSource const &,cla
ss Phonon::VLC::MediaObject *)" (??0StreamReader at VLC@Phonon@@QAE at ABVMediaSource@
2 at PAVMediaObject@12@@Z)
streamreader.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dll
import) public: void __thiscall Phonon::StreamInterface::seekStream(__int64)" (_
_imp_?seekStream at StreamInterface@Phonon@@QAEX_J at Z) referenced in function "publi
c: void __thiscall Phonon::VLC::StreamReader::setCurrentPos(__int64)" (?setCurre
ntPos at StreamReader@VLC at Phonon@@QAEX_J at Z)
streamreader.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dll
import) public: void __thiscall Phonon::StreamInterface::enoughData(void)" (__im
p_?enoughData at StreamInterface@Phonon@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "public: bo
ol __thiscall Phonon::VLC::StreamReader::read(unsigned __int64,int *,char *)" (?
read at StreamReader@VLC at Phonon@@QAE_N_KPAHPAD at Z)
streamreader.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dll
import) public: void __thiscall Phonon::StreamInterface::needData(void)" (__imp_
?needData at StreamInterface@Phonon@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "public: bool _
_thiscall Phonon::VLC::StreamReader::read(unsigned __int64,int *,char *)" (?read
@StreamReader at VLC@Phonon@@QAE_N_KPAHPAD at Z)
phonon_vlc.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 28 unresolved externals
LINK failed. with 1120
command failed with exit code 2
command failed with exit code 2
command failed with exit code 2
command failed with exit code 2
emerge fatal error: while running make cmd: c:\kderoot\dev-utils\bin\jom.exe
emerge fatal error: running python c:\kderoot\emerge\portage\kdesupport\phonon-v
lc\ compile
emerge debug: Task: Emerge stopped after: 0:00:16.584000

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