
Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Thu Mar 24 00:33:36 CET 2011

On Donnerstag 24 März 2011, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> > class does not implement them, and pylint is happier.
> I'm cleaning this up.  The QMakeBuildSystem is already solved
> and the  other will follow :-)

yes - I noticed your commit.

just as info: pylint currently says:
(the bad indentation is new - will fix this)

************* Module utils
W0311:744: Bad indentation. Found 9 spaces, expected 8
************* Module BuildSystem.AutoToolsBuildSystem
W0221: 24:AutoToolsBuildSystem.configure: Arguments number 
differs from overridden method
W0221: 64:AutoToolsBuildSystem.make: Arguments number differs 
from overridden method
************* Module BuildSystem.CMakeBuildSystem
W0221:118:CMakeBuildSystem.configure: Arguments number differs 
from overridden method
************* Module BuildSystem.MakeFileBuildSystem
W0221: 17:MakeFileBuildSystem.configure: Arguments number differs 
from overridden method
************* Module BuildSystem.QMakeBuildSystem
W0221: 31:QMakeBuildSystem.configure: Arguments number differs 
from overridden method
W0221: 65:QMakeBuildSystem.make: Arguments number differs from 
overridden method
W0221: 73:QMakeBuildSystem.install: Arguments number differs from 
overridden method
************* Module Source.VersionSystemSourceBase


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