#warning for msvc

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Wed Apr 6 21:18:57 CEST 2011

Just a note, for handy WARNING macro please look at
kexi/kexidb/kexidb_global.h (#warning is a GNU extension).

Yes, could be moved to a shared place for Calligra. Or is it already
somewhere defined by kde-windows?

The usage is not easy though:
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning TODO  foo
#pragma WARNING(foo)

(note: no need for " " anywhere)

PS: If someone has time, I suppose we may have a git pre/post commit
hook fixing the warnings and use that at global level in KDE.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & Calligra (kexi-project.org, identi.ca/kexi, calligra-suite.org)
 KDE Software Development Platform on MS Windows (windows.kde.org)

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