jom for mingw

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at
Fri Oct 1 15:42:23 CEST 2010

Hi everybody,

just a small information email:
Yesterday I tried out how much work would be needed to make jom also
accept (CMake) Makefiles for Mingw. And it turned out that the work was
so minimal, that even making it build using the mingw compilers was more
work. So I put all my work into a repo and send a merge request today.
You can try it out by simply building emerge --target=mingw jom-pkg.
Please be aware that until we have a static binary including the
changes, you cannot compile Qt and its dependencies(dbus and openssl)
with it. Another issue we have hit is that jom -e doesn't seem to work
correctly, but we're working on fixing that.

happy hacking & regards,

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