emty context menu in DigiKam

Stephan Schoenfeldt Stephan.Schoenfeldt at gmx.de
Tue Jun 15 21:44:04 CEST 2010


during my searches for a reasonable Photo Database Software I stumbled over DigiKam and imediately fell in Love with the overall concept of this SW.

The possibility to run it in Windows is important for me, therfor I am even more enthousiasic about the KDE for windows project, which enables this.

However when I want to use the context menu, it apears empty, which is kind of dissapointing. Even though the context menu is actually functional, because the sub-menues are visible again.

I have put a screenshot of my observation under this link:


I was in doubt, whether to post this under the DigiKam mailing list or the kde-windows one. But my assumtion is, that this issue can not be seen in the Linux version, even though I haven't tried it.

I am using Windows 7 Enterprise. Every hint is welcome.

Best Regards

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