mingw QT Compile - Input line too long

Peter Shute pshute at nuw.org.au
Thu Jan 21 20:55:41 CET 2010

kde-mingw is 9 characters.  I called mine kderoot - 7 characters - and it was ok, for qt, anyway (using emerge).  Is 8 ok?

That line is 8196 characters long.  If the limit is 8192 then reducing the name of the root dir should be fine, it's mentioned so many times in the command line that the line ends up 8111 chars long.

From: Andrew Goodbody [ajg02 at elfringham.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, 22 January 2010 3:48 AM
To: KDE on Windows
Subject: Re: mingw QT Compile - Input line too long

On 21/01/2010 16:40, Michael Edwardes wrote:
> Im trying to compile KDE on windows and it fails during the compile of
> Qt, it seems the lines is too long for cmd.exe ? (I have tried with
> non-free msvc2008 as well but it fails during the compile of strigi).

Reduce the length of the directory name you have as %KDEROOT% ie
kde-mingw is too long.

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