Compiling digiKam

Andrew Goodbody ajg02 at
Wed Jan 20 20:41:45 CET 2010

Peter Shute wrote:
> I then tried using emerge, as described at: 
> and
> had more luck but ran into a problem.  After 5 or so hours of
> downloading and compiling, it crashed with the same error described
> here:
> I don't understand the workaround described there.  Can anyone
> explain it to me?  Or tell me another way to get this job done?

Hi Peter,

1) restart the build of qt using 'emerge --noclean qt'
2) after 5 or ten minutes (you need to let it build moc.exe, uic.exe and 
then recreate all the Makefiles) open a new Command Prompt window, empty 
the path, run kdeenv.bat so that it is all ready to run emerge.
3) Change to the directory of the failed compile
4) now run this:-
	mingw32-make -f Makefile
5) let the build of qt complete (several hours)
6) restart the build of digikam with
	emerge digikam


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