Compiling digiKam

Peter Shute pshute at
Sat Jan 16 21:54:02 CET 2010

The version of digiKam included with the KDE on Windows 4.3.4 is 1.0.0 beta 5.  There are a few problems with this, and I'd like to install the released verion 1.0.0.  It seems like the only way to do this is to download the source and compile it.

I tried following the instructions at:
but they're out of date and, being new to all thus stuff,  I don't know what to do where their screen shots differ from what I see on my screen.

I then tried using emerge, as described at:
and had more luck but ran into a problem.  After 5 or so hours of downloading and compiling, it crashed with the same error described here:

I don't understand the workaround described there.  Can anyone explain it to me?  Or tell me another way to get this job done?

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