Multimedia Sprint 2010 - final dates and further organization

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Wed Jan 6 14:05:35 CET 2010

Hi all,

Since we have a clear preference for the second week in May, we booked
the house from

20. - 25. May 2010

I edited the Doodle accordingly:

You will find more organisational information in this wiki page: [1]

Please all, fill in your details in the Attendees list of the above
wiki page ASAP.

If any of you want to give a helping hand with organising, please get
in touch with me <myriam at>, Mark <kretschmann at> or Mario
<fux.mario at>.

Looking forward to meet you all in Randa!

Regards, Myriam.

[1] Since there was no clear location on the wiki, I
chose to put it in the Amarok wiki. An alternative could be the
/Events section, what do you think? It would be really easy to move
since both use Mediawiki, I just need more input on this.
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