Twitter and 4.4

Andrew Manson g.real.ate at
Sun Feb 14 10:57:49 CET 2010

On 12/02/10 12:19, Stuart Jarvis wrote
>>   If there was some way for me to get
>>   information about the project ( apart from talking to the devs every day
>>   or becoming a dev ) I could take over the Twitter account for now.
> I'll have to leave it to someone actively involved to suggest a means - there
> isn't enough on this mailing-list?
> As for you making a kdewindows (or similar) Twitter account - I don't see a
> problem. Anyone else here have a view? I'll raise it on promo too and let you
> know.
So this is the first issue to overcome, how does someone like me 
actually get the info needed to dish out on a twitter account. If 
someone could come on board the conversation and give some ideas that 
would be great! As I'm trying to get across, twitter is intended to be 
hourly/daily updates so if I could setup a daily dialog with someone 
actively involved that would be able to feed me with some good info. 
Either that or someone from inside the project could take over the 
tweeting, or we could always share the job ;) Even if we can't get up to 
a daily/hourly update it would be good to improve the time frame to even 
a weekly update, having a media black hole is really off putting for 
consumers and potential devs.

>>   Maybe
>>   we could organise a centralised owner for it ( KDEev? ) that will give out
>>   the details to other members so that they can post to the account??
> Probably you could just own it. The main thing we want to do is keep track of
> who owns things and maybe also some of us take the user account details so
> that if you disappeared then we could pass it on to someone else.
Hmm... i think it would be kinda important to share the details. Like I 
said it would be good to share the job between myself and some internal 
devs. And without being defeatist I'm quite likely to disappear... I 
have my finger in so many pies and I'm finding it hard to keep track of 
what needs to be done from day to day! I wish my day job was to promote 
and develop KDE, then I'd be dangerous! :D So Stuart, if you could 
mention sharing twitter accounts to the guys on the Promo lists that 
would be quite useful. I'm not sure if there is a technical way to do it 
but we could just work around that with a business logic way of doing it ;)
>>   Just some ideas, might help get the message of KDE for windows out there
>>   for devs and users alike!
> Yep, as a promo peep there are plenty of areas that don't get as much exposure
> as they should. It's a balance with KDE Windows between getting people
> interested but not pushing it too hard because there are still plenty of rough
> edges.
Well maybe for now focus the twitter account on potential devs and power 
users. you could even "advertise" junior jobs on the account ;)


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