Gstreamer/phonon on Windows

Pau Garcia i Quiles pgquiles at
Mon Nov 30 09:58:40 CET 2009

> It works pretty well with Amarok by me. There is a slight delay before
> playback start due to the way I patched the backend.
> The gstreamer backend as it is relies on the GLib main loop to dispatch
> messages to the backend. There is no default GLip loop on Windows so I
> instead poll the gstreamer bus to get messages.
> I set the timer timeout to 100ms. Problem is that at the start of the
> playback, there is a bunch of messages, and I only get 1 every 100ms. OTOH,
> decreasing the timeout would accelerate the start, but the it would also
> unnecessarily rapidly poll the bus during playback, when no messages are
> coming in.
> I guess the proper way would be to run a GLib loop in the backend process,
> but I have no experience of GLib.

You could also compile Qt on Windows to use the GLib loop, as it does
on Unix. That's the approach I took when I did my own port of
Phonon-GStreamer to Windows back in April or so. I talked about that
with someone from Trolltech (Jens Bache? can't remember) at aKademy
2009 but forgot to send him the patch :-/

Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to my workload, I may need 10 days to answer)

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