Gstreamer/phonon on Windows

Chris Browet cbro at
Mon Nov 30 05:11:03 CET 2009

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 02:46, Patrick Spendrin <ps_ml at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Chris Browet schrieb:
> Andrius and I took some time and fixed most of the buildsystem related
> errors but were unable to get it running, maybe you have more luck...
> (don't forget to update kdesupport/phonon!)
> regards,
> Patrick

The patch vs. kdesupport phonon is available at

I'm using MinGW 4.4.0 to compile (from the latest Qt 4.6.0-rc SDK).

The cmake command I used to build is:
cmake.exe -G "MinGW Makefiles"

I installed bothe the binary *and dev (for building) *packages from
I guess the dev package is not needed at runtime.

Obviously, you have to add the gstreamer bin directory to the PATH.

Tell me if you encounter problems.

It works pretty well with Amarok by me. There is a slight delay before
playback start due to the way I patched the backend.
The gstreamer backend as it is relies on the GLib main loop to dispatch
messages to the backend. There is no default GLip loop on Windows so I
instead poll the gstreamer bus to get messages.
I set the timer timeout to 100ms. Problem is that at the start of the
playback, there is a bunch of messages, and I only get 1 every 100ms. OTOH,
decreasing the timeout would accelerate the start, but the it would also
unnecessarily rapidly poll the bus during playback, when no messages are
coming in.

I guess the proper way would be to run a GLib loop in the backend process,
but I have no experience of GLib.

- Chris -
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