KDevelop hangs in Solid/WMI stuff while trying to do an RPC call to some windows service

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jun 24 00:13:03 CEST 2009

On 24.06.09 00:05:05, Maurice Kalinowski wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >
> > Why is this not in svn? Are there cases where it does work? 
> Yes actually it works on most platforms. Basically it seems to be 
> related to either vista, 64bit or using vs2008, maybe even some 
> combination. I do have 64bit vista with msvc2005 on my desktop machine, 
> there it works as well. Using Windows 7 64bit , vs2008 hangs though...
> Just grep for "ConnectServer(), wmi, hang" on your favorite search engine.

Ok, as I'm going to reference kdevelop4/win32 in the next release
announcement I'm re-posting the patch in a form that can actually be
used to easily apply against trunk with windows patch (which doesn't
like unix lineedings).

You will never know hunger.
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