plasma defull on the vista

Andrius da Costa Ribas andriusmao at
Tue Jul 21 18:54:24 CEST 2009

please take a look at there
are instructions on how to replace explorer shell with plasma-desktop.

I believe that it would be good if there wold be some compatibility layer to
bring KDE window decorations and some other things into mswindows' window
manager ( I believe it's dwm.exe ), but since kwin is much related to X11, I
agree porting kwin is unfortunately a _very hard_ task, however
bb4win/emergedesktop/cairo code should give some hints on how to do so.


2009/7/21 Eduard Sukharev <kraplax at>

> On Tuesday 21 of July 2009 10:13:26 Marcio Esper wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I would to know if it is possible replace the explorer for the plasma to
> > use it as the defult window manager over the windows.
> >
> > Thz for attention,
> >
> > Best regards,
> Hi
> 1) There's no point in replacing explorer by plasma since Plasma lacks
> implementation of such vital plasmoids as TaskList and SystemTray. Working
> with such shell would be real pain.
> 2) Plasma is too unstable and behaves not as good as it should (you can
> alt-
> tab between Plasma-desktop and other apps if plasma is used instead of
> explorer shell)
> 3) most important thing - PLASMA IS NOT A WINDOW MANAGER! Plasma is a
> desktop
> shell, that thing that shows you plasmoids, panels, icons, wallpapers etc.
> It
> doesn't deal with windows in any way. Window management is Window Managers'
> task. And since KWin is not going to be ported at all (or, at least, in any
> near future) you won't get all those fancy compositing effects on Windows.
> --
> Best regards,
> Eduard
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