QT_INSTALL_DIR, KDELibsDependencies.cmake and flexible install location of Qt

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Thu Dec 31 15:52:48 CET 2009

Alexander Neundorf schrieb:
> On Thursday 31 December 2009, Patrick Spendrin wrote:
>> Alexander Neundorf schrieb:
> ...
>>> So, instead of the full path to e.g. QtCore.dll there is just
>>> "Qt4_QTCORE", which is the name of an "imported" library target for
>>> QtCore (maybe it could be named "Imported_Library_Qt4_QTCORE" to make
>>> clearer what it is). Where this points to, will be resolved at cmake-time
>>> of the application developer (i.e. not at kdelibs-cmake time). Still have
>>> to play a bit more with this...
>>> Would this solve "your" issue ?
>> Yes, that would be great. This way it could be set by FindQt4.cmake or
>> set by hand instead.
> Can you please give the attached patch a try ?
> It creates imported targets for the Qt libraries in FindQt4.cmake, so they can 
> have the correct release/debug versions for the different buildtypes, and the 
> location of the Qt libs is resolved at user-cmake-time.
> I have successfully built kdelibs and kdeutils with it.
> Also please have a look at the generated KDELibs4LibraryTargets*.cmake files 
> and let me know if you see any issues.
No, doesn't work at least in a debug build; error is
Qt4__QTCORE-NOTFOUND - anything I can send you for debugging?
> Alex

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