kde sc 4.3.4 not showing up

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Wed Dec 9 04:02:11 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

Steve Tose schrieb:
> Hi, I just subscribed to this list and I have a question. I am trying
> to try out the latest version and I had a previous version already
> installed, probably 4.0.
> I attempted to use the old installer to remove the packages
> individually. I then downloaded the latest installer and tried to
> reinstall from the beginning. The compiler settings were greyed out so
> I must have missed something. I left it as mingw and attempted to
> install but the kde packages are all version 4.1. I installed anyway
> but fear I may have to reinstall everything.
The stuff is greyed out because you already have a KDE installation in
place. "Uninstalling" is simple, simply remove the directory. (You
cannot mix the compiler types after you have chosen one of them, thats
why it is greyed out).
> I was able to get the latest KOffice (2.1) and KWord seems to be
> working well! Any ideas? I checked mirrors from all over but did not
> try any nightly builds.
This is the second point: the mingw build (based on the mingw-gcc 3.4.5
release) has been discontinued and will not be updated anymore (probably
thats why you haven't found any packages). We recommend updating to
mingw4 or msvc packages.
Please be aware that mixing the compilers might get you into trouble.
Make sure that you don't do that.
> Thanks,
> Steve
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