How to build kdeedu from scartch? (was Re: corrupted kdeedu-minGW-src-archive?)

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Wed Nov 26 12:15:29 CET 2008

Ruediger Goetz schrieb:
> Hello,
> Sorry for bothering again. As far as I read the docu, the only option is 
> using emerge, since the other three are deprecated or unstable. However,
> we are sitting behind a firewall, which allows (basically) only http- and 
> ftp-traffic via a squid-proxy. As far as I remember emerge/portage needs
> rsync as well. (Not speaking about the svn access to get emerge initially).
> Hence, are there any options to use emerge through such a firewall (gentoo-emerge
> has a webrsync. But this is a bash script, presumable not running on Windows).
> But maybe there is a shorter way. We have already basic KDE installation
> done using kdewin-installer-gui. This installation includes the sources of kdeedu.
> All we need is to recompile kdeedu (and kturtle in particular) with our
> modified sources. Unfortunately (but not unexpected) the Linux way of 
>  	cmake; make; make install
> doesn't work in the DOS-prompt. Maybe there is just a little thing we just missed.
Please note that building applications in this way will not support 
debugging because the packages are releases without debug symbols yet. .

========== MSVC instructions ============

- assuming that kde ist installed in %PROGRAMFILES%\kde

1. download 

2. run this installer in the package manager mode and select msvc compiler

3. select from the KDE category the kdeedu bin and source package - this 
will select also all depending packages

4. select from the devel-tools category the packages cmake, 
vcexpress-de-msvc and psdk-msvc

5. select the devel package from the KDE category for qt-msvc, 
kdelibs-msvc and kdebase-msvc-runtime, this packages are required for 
building the kde-edu package (note: you can inspect the package 
dependencies by clicking on the package name)

6. install the selected packages.

7. Open Visual Studio command prompt

8. set the required environment for Platform sdk e.g.
        "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 

9. set PATH to bin subdirectory of the kde installation dir
       set PATH=%PROGRAMFILES%\kde\bin;%PATH%

10. enter src subdirectory of the kde installation root e.g.
        cd %PROGRAMFILES%\kde\src

11.create a build directory and enter it
        mkdir kdeedu-msvc-build && cd kdeedu-msvc-build cmake
       cmake.exe -G "NMake Makefiles" ..\kdeedu-msvc-4.1.3 

        cd <subdir>

to build a specific subdirectory

14. install the compiled package
    nmake install

========== MINGW instructions ============
- assuming that kde ist installed in %PROGRAMFILES%\kde and mingw is 
installed in \mingw

1. download 

2. run this installer in the package manager mode and select mingw compiler

3. select from the KDE category the kdeedu bin and source package - this 
will select also all depending packages

4. select from the devel-tools category the packages cmake, gcc-mingw

5. select the devel package from the KDE category for qt-mingw, 
kdelibs-mingw and kdebase-mingw-runtime, this packages are required for 
building the kde-edu package (note: you can inspect the package 
dependencies by clicking on the package name,clicking again hides the 
info box)

6. install the selected packages.

7. Open command shell

8. set PATH to bin subdirectory of the mingw installation dir e.g
       set PATH=\Mingw\bin;%PATH%

9. set PATH to bin subdirectory of the kde installation dir
       set PATH=%PROGRAMFILES%\kde\bin;%PATH%

10. enter src subdirectory of the kde installation root e.g.
        cd %PROGRAMFILES%\kde\src

11.create a build directory and enter it
        mkdir kdeedu-mingw-build && cd kdeedu-mingw-build cmake
       cmake.exe -G "MingW Makefiles" ..\kdeedu-mingw-4.1.3 


    cd <subdir>

to build a specific subdirectory

14. install the compiled package
    mingw32-make install
Hope that helps


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