How to build kdeedu from scartch? (was Re: corrupted kdeedu-minGW-src-archive? )
Ruediger Goetz
goetz at
Wed Nov 26 09:50:56 CET 2008
Sorry for bothering again. As far as I read the docu, the only option is
using emerge, since the other three are deprecated or unstable. However,
we are sitting behind a firewall, which allows (basically) only http- and
ftp-traffic via a squid-proxy. As far as I remember emerge/portage needs
rsync as well. (Not speaking about the svn access to get emerge initially).
Hence, are there any options to use emerge through such a firewall (gentoo-emerge
has a webrsync. But this is a bash script, presumable not running on Windows).
But maybe there is a shorter way. We have already basic KDE installation
done using kdewin-installer-gui. This installation includes the sources of kdeedu.
All we need is to recompile kdeedu (and kturtle in particular) with our
modified sources. Unfortunately (but not unexpected) the Linux way of
cmake; make; make install
doesn't work in the DOS-prompt. Maybe there is just a little thing we just missed.
Thanks in advance.
On Tuesday 25 November 2008, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> Ruediger Goetz schrieb:
> > Hello
> >
> > Tanks, that archive seem to be O.K.
> > Unfortunately we (my colleague and myself are stuck again).
> > We are working on some project for a local school based on kturtle.
> > We did our modifications on a Linux (we are basically Linux programmers)
> > and want to port them to Windows now (as the school's PC are all
> > running Windows).
> >
> > Is there any page telling how to rebuild individual kde-packages on windows?
> >
> > In more detail:
> > We installed all required packages (as far as our guess go, kdelibs, kdebase,
> > cmake , etc) using the kdewin-installer-gui. The kdeedu src-package was manually
> > installed into the src directory. How do we start cmake and gcc?
> >
> > Any pointers to howto and a like are wellcome
> >
> check the following link Build KDE 4 on Windows
> <>
> Ralf
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