[patch] emerge script for qt

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Wed May 7 17:19:30 CEST 2008

Jarosław Staniek schrieb:
> Hello,
> Do anyone has idea what (perhaps all?) parts of this fix are still 
> needed, so I can commit that?
> changes:
> - remove 'include/msvc' from the path to avoid unresolved kdewin32 
> symbols like __INFF
Why is kdewin32 in your INCLUDE env var?
> - -qt-zlib is needed because we can already have zlib.h on within 
> INCLUDE paths)
see above? Why is your INCLUDEscrewed up?
> - with qt-, we need on  -dbus-linked option for the old
>   behaviour, otherwise binaries like qdbusxml2cpp build with mingw
>   will only search for "dbus-1.dll" and fail with a message like
>   "Cannot find libdbus-1 in your system to resolve symbol
>   'dbus_signature_validate_single'."
This is fixed with a small patch in emerge/portage/libs/qt


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