Cross compiling page in techbase

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Tue Mar 11 19:45:28 CET 2008

On Tuesday 11 March 2008, Carlo wrote:
> Hi, i've added a page in techbase with instruction to crosscompile kde
> for windows from linux
>CrossCompiling and i've linked it to

Wow, _very_ cool ! :-)

Some questions:

Why do you need to preset all the variables starting with KDE4_INSTALL_DIR, 
especially the KDE4_XXX_LIBRARY variables ?

Some comments:
> you have to make a link to your kde4automoc for linux in the bin directory

we should be able to fix that...

> since linux is case sensitive you have to make symbolic links for some
> headers

Can't this be corrected in the source files where the headers are included ?

> You will get a linker error on kjsembed so from the build directory cd into
> kjsembed/kjsembed and make VERBOSE=1 2>/dev/null

what's the problem here with linking ?
This shouldn't happen, we have to fix it.

> You will get another error in klauncher.moc about slotKDEInitData so go into
> kinit and do something like this(you need wine)

What's the exact problem here ?
Does the Windows moc have to be used ? Why ?

> Another error in kdewidgets because wine doesn't find some dll to run
> makekdewidgets.exe so either run the linux version manually like this

So you run the generated executables using wine ? Interesting. The idea was to 
use "native" executables if cross compiling. But if it works, ok.


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