finding top-level dirs on windows

Frank Osterfeld frank at
Tue Mar 11 09:56:05 CET 2008

On Monday 10 March 2008 10:37:38 Ralf Habacker wrote:

> Your are mixing two task:
> 1. detecting kde installation root
> 2. storing this root into the registry.
> while i see no problem for a patch for task 1, my questions if task2 is
> really needed for your project because it has some drawbacks as already
> stated.

I can patch kdelibs to our needs, my question is mostly about dbus (which I 
can also patch, but that'd require us to maintain our own dbus packages, see 
below). How would you solve 1. for dbus then, without registry key, at 
runtime from within dbus?

> > gpg4win won't depend on KDE on windows directly nor vice versa, from the
> > KDE point of view gpg4win2 is rather an alternative, heavily stripped
> > down KDE distribution (i..e. only Kleopatra, necessary parts of kdelibs,
> > KDE icons, gnupg libraries and dependencies (Qt, dbus...)).
> You are aware, that you are forced to maintain all required packages by
> yourself  ?  In case you haven't noticed  there are already several
> binary package available - see for example

Yeah, I'm aware of those. In fact, we use the existing binary packages for KDE 
dependencies (dbus, Qt, ...). One reasion why I'm interested in generic 

> There is also a buildsystem available
>emerge to which your packages could be easily added and you have the
> possibility to build your packages and all requirements as a whole and
> for debug/release mode.

Building kdelibs, kdepimlibs and kdepim is not the problem. We can't reuse any 
of the existing KDE packages anyway, as we must strip everything  from 
kdelibs/kdepimlibs/kdepim we can to keep the gpg4win2 installer size minimal. 
The final version should be cross-compiled from Linux even.

Frank Osterfeld -- frank at
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, Platform-independent software solutions

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