KFileDialog bug

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Sun Mar 9 12:19:12 CET 2008

A Dijous 06 Març 2008, Ralf Habacker va escriure:
> Hi,
> while testing quanta on windows I found a bug in KFileDialog using
> KFileDialog::getOpenUrls().
> The bug is independend from quanta and could be reproduced with the
> appended testcase, which patches kio/kfile/tests/kfstest and requires an
> installed oxygen icon set.
> After applying the path and relinking of kfstest the following command
> sequence triggers the bug:
> kfstest openurls
> -> this should open a list of directories, (in my case
> c:/daten/kde/emerge-msvc-root/share/icons/oxygen/16x16)
> Then enter the 'actions' directory, select an image and click open.
> The selected file should be printed on the qDebug output (stderr on
> unix, DbgView on windows) In my case it returns
> KUrl("file://c:/daten/kde/emerge-msvc-root/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/applica
> which is wrong, it should contain the 'actions' directory as shown below:
> KUrl("file://c:/daten/kde/emerge-msvc-root/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions

Works here on linux.


> Ralf

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