Building on top of QT/KDE packages was: Re: QT projects trouble with VC++2005
Saro Engels
ps_ml at
Thu Jan 31 01:08:03 CET 2008
shift at schrieb:
> I tried to use KDE_win installation of QT to build my project with
> Visual C++ 2005, and had some troubles.
We moved away from building on top of prebuild packages some month ago.
There are several reason behind this decision but one of them was the
hardcoding of path within more than one file within the packages.
Currently we cannot invest much time in testing that way, though we will
be glad to work with the experiences made with it.
It would be obviously better to reuse the packages so it will be a goal
after the installer reached stable status soon and the work on the
commandline installation tool will start.
> I used kde-win-installer v0.8.5 to install QT libs to D:\KDE, and then
> created run "qmake" and "nmake" -- and it did not generate moc_ files.
> i fixed the problem by manually rewriting the D:\KDE\bin\qt.conf, and
> for every option i specified the full path.
> for example:
> --- cut: ---
> [Paths]
> Prefix=D:\\KDE\\
> Documentation=D:\\KDE\\doc
> Headers=D:\\KDE\\include
> Libraries=D:\\KDE\\lib
> Binaries=D:\\KDE\\bin
> Plugins=D:\\KDE\\plugins
> Data=D:\\KDE\\
> Translations=D:\\KDE\\translations
> Settings=D:\\KDE\\etc
> Examples=D:\\KDE\\examples
> Demos=D:\\KDE\\demos
> -- cut ---
> only then the moc_ files started to appear after "nmake"
> PS: see my blog:
> for instruction on how to use KDE-windows version of QT with VS,
> especially how to make Intellisence work. might be usefull for somebody.
As Jaroslaw already stated, we need every helping hand, so please join
our efforts in bringing KDE to windows.
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