bug in libxslt package?

Saro Engels ps_ml at gmx.de
Fri Feb 22 02:30:55 CET 2008

I experienced a strange error already for a very long time when building 
koffice: I got deeper into it now and a test case is appended; please 
compile it using the the following commandline:

g++ xslttest.cpp -I %KDEROOT%\include -L %KDEROOT%\lib -l libxslt

The problem consists of two parts:
first of all the header file xsltexports.h seems wrong in line 99:
    #if !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC)
    #if defined(IN_LIBXSLT) && !defined(LIBXSLT_STATIC)

and second the libxslt.dll.a doesn't seem to export xsltMaxDepth
correctly whereas the .lib does.
If I go through the steps that createImportLibs() in emerge does:
pexports bin\libxslt.dll > lib\libxslt.def
dlltool -d lib\libxslt.def -l lib\libxslt.dll.a
it seems to work.

This error will only have impact on mingw but it will make building 
koffice not completely possible.


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