update-mime-database not recognized

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Tue Feb 19 12:01:03 CET 2008

Ralf Habacker wrote:
> John Levin schrieb:
>> Saro Engels wrote:
>>> John Levin schrieb:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm going through the post-install steps for KDE 4, using 
>>>> KDE-win-installer 0.8.6
>>>> When I try running the update-mime-database command, I get
>>>> "'update-mime-database' not recognized as an internal or external 
>>>> command, operable program or batch file."
>>>> I have set the path; I can't find any package entitled 
>>>> 'update-mime-database' - what am I missing?
>>> shared-mime-info is the package you need - it should be installed as a 
>>> dependency of the KDE packages.
>>> Please have a look whether
>>> 1) the package in the package download path is corrupted,
>> I'm using www.mirrorservice.org, and the package shows up there:
>> http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/4.0.60/win32/%5Bpage=0%5D
>>> 2) it is there or not
>> shared-mime-info is not on my machine
> according to 
> http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/4.0.60/win32/config.txt
> shared-mime-info is a dependency of kdelibs-msvc and kdelibs-mingw, 
> which means if you install the kdelibs-msvc or kdelibs-mingw package 
> shared-mime-info is installed by default.

I've got kde4win installed and working now, by using the sourceforge 
mirror. I retried the mirrorservice.org mirror, and again didn't get 
shared-mime-info; I note it has now disappeared from the mirror list. I 
also tried heanet.ie and scarlet.be, both of which gave errors, and 
didn't download anything.

Is anyone else having trouble with the mirrors?


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