mingw and Direct X headers

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Wed Feb 6 06:59:30 CET 2008

Shane King schrieb:
> Hi guys,
> I just wanted to ask here about the direct X headers we're using 
> (they're mostly ones I've imported from WINE or written myself). I know 
> that the mingw package we're using contains some direct X stuff as well, 
> and it would be great if we could somehow get the headers we need 
> integrated upstream. I know the Qt guys would like to be able to support 
> phonon on mingw but can't without the appropriate headers for that 
> compiler (as obviously using the kde windows stuff is not an option for 
> them). If they could maintain the direct show backend on mingw it would 
> make life easier for us too, since new checkins wouldn't run the risk of 
> breaking the mingw build.
> Any thoughts on this, and who we should be talking with to try to get 
> the headers into the upstream distribution? There's also a patch for the 
> vmr9.h header we apply when emerging that ideally should get included in 
> the next upstream release too.
Just write to mingw-users - they're happy to get patches for their headers.


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