AW: Problem running kde4 on windows

Saro Engels ps_ml at
Thu Sep 20 00:48:27 CEST 2007

Gareth schrieb:
> It seems the dependency error was a false positive.  The problem is the 
> "Side by side config".  This discussion seems to describe the problem I 
> am having:
> I tried installing the latest VC2005 c++ redistributable from 
> but it made no difference.  The other strange thing happening, is that I 
> need to copy the dlls
> msvcp80d.dll
> msvcp80.dll
> msvcr80d.dll
> msvcr80.dll
> into the bin folder (when these are actually installed in one of the 
> subfolders of C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS).
> I'll try installing visual studio 2005 to see if that gets me up and 
> running.  But this surely must be an issue for getting the installer 
> into a state where an end user can run with KDE4 without installing the 
> developer files?
hm, as far as I know you don't need to copy those files into the bin 
folder, that won't work at all - you better try to go into your ide, 
there is an option somewhere in the options/directories dialogue where 
you can add paths to (for me it is 'VC++-Verzeichnisse' ). there you 
need to add your sdk's bin folder in the executable section, include 
folder in the include section etc. I have added my kderoot/bin /include 
/lib there as well, but I don't think that you need it.
I have used VC Express 05 and the 2k3 R2 sdk.

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