Qt OSS/mingw installer

Frank Osterfeld frank.osterfeld at gmx.de
Tue Sep 11 11:16:39 CEST 2007

Hi list,

for another project I am trying to create custom Qt/Windows packages 
(OSS/mingw), from qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.1.zip.
Without using an installer, there are some problems with the resulting 
packages, such as hardcoded paths (for translations, plugins etc.) to my 
local source directory in the DLL files. I want to make sure that all 
resources such as translations, plugins are found automatically after 
installation, all registry keys are set etc.

The Qt/ming installer provided by Trolltech 
(qt-win-opensource-4.3.1-mingw.exe) apparently does several modifications to 
the installed DLL's (e.g., the hardcoded translation and plugin paths are 
replaced by the installation directory in the Qt DLL's at installation time), 
sets registry keys and so on.
The problem is, Trolltech doesn't provide the .nsi script they use. We (KDAB) 
will approach Trolltech and ask them to release the NSIS installer source 
script if possible.

I checked the package installed by the KDE installer, and apparently your 
package has exactly the same problems as my zip file. Thus I think we (as in 
KDE)  also have an interest in having the installer source available to 
create "proper" and fully working Qt/KDE installers once KDE/windows is ready 
to be released to end users.

What's your opinion on that matter?  If you as the KDE/windows guys also have 
an interest in the .nsi script, I will mention that when talking to the 



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