compiling KDE with emerge (under WINE)

Marcel Partap mpartap at
Wed Oct 24 12:44:16 CEST 2007

> Nobody told you to use any command line options for emerge
> --full-package creates a kdewin32 package for the installer. I'll
> disable this for all except the packagers.
well even just emerge kdebase does not work. I just resynced to try again -> no go. Before it complained that the
installed db file was non-existant, well I created that. Now it doesn't even give a proper error:
> emerge doExec called opts:
> file: C:\kde\root\emerge\portage\kde\kdebase\
> commandstring python C:\kde\root\emerge\portage\kde\kdebase\ fetch
> fatal error: package kde/kdebase- all failed
that comes up for all packages when doing emerge kdebase. What can i do to find out where the problem lies?
regards marcel

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