Boost header

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu May 31 22:02:14 CEST 2007

On 31.05.07 19:59:28, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat schrieb:
> >Hi,
> >I'd like to know wether the new boost-headers package was created by
> >just copying the headers or did you actually achieve building parts of
> >boost on windows?
> >Andreas
> >PS: Reason is simply that a plugin from KDevelop depends on the boost
> >serialization library and that part of the plugin can't be refactored to
> >use Qt.
> I built boost and did a 'make install'. All with mingw. But the installation 
> was ~1GB -> I suggest to just deliver the one lib you need :)

Did you build in debug mode? Those libs are extremely huge in debug
mode, much much smaller in release mode. Also I think you don't need to
ship the non-mt libs, those are for non-multithreaded apps. I need
boost_serialization and boost_threads


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