kde3.5 msvc2005 question

Pike Man pikeman at pikeman.sytes.net
Thu May 10 15:37:28 CEST 2007

kde3.5 question:

in kdeui, why does the following always show up in Makefile generated by
qmake? nothing special in the kdeui.pro file.

I have been looking all over the place to get rid of it but can't find it.
if moc generates from kaboutdialog.h then it is ok.
Why it is trying to generate a moc file from cpp, I am getting a 0 size
.moc file...


SRCMOC = moc\moc_kshortcutdialog_advanced.cpp \
moc\moc_kshortcutdialog_simple.cpp \
moc\moc_kspellui.cpp \

moc\kaboutdialog.moc: $(MOC) kaboutdialog.cpp
$(MOC) kaboutdialog.cpp -o moc\kaboutdialog.moc

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