kdevelop configure problem
Ralf Habacker
ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Sun Jul 8 20:51:13 CEST 2007
Andreas Pakulat schrieb:
> On 08.07.07 15:43:41, Ralf Habacker wrote:
>> while configuring kdevelop on win32 I got the following error:
>> CMake Error: KDevPlatform_DIR is not set. It must be set to the
>> directory containing KDevPlatformConfig.cmake in order to use KDevPlatform.
>> In the top level CMakeLists.txt there is a line
>> find_package(KDevPlatform REQUIRED)
>> but there is no FindKDevPlatform.cmake neither in the kdevelop source
>> nor in the kdelibs source.
>> Any hints ?
> Currently none except using the same prefix as for kdevplatform
> (kdevelop can't be used without the platform anyway). Or adding a
> set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH <kdevplatform-install-dir>/share/cmake/modules ...)
> Unfortunately there's no way to tell cmake where to look for
> FindFoo.cmake files and I don't want to move FindKDevPlatform into
> kdevelop (because then each an every app using the platform would need
> to duplicate it).
Thanks for this pointer. I'm going to do some reseach.
BTW: I need the appended patch to be able to use kdevplatform in kdevelop.
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