Weird happenings with the latest SVN update

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Sat Jan 13 09:46:06 CET 2007

Ryan Loebs schrieb:
> I updated my SVN directory before retrying the win32 build but a new
> error started popping up.  The fix is easy but I don't know if it'll
> prevent me from running the app....
> CMake generates NMake Makefiles that specify /subsystem:windows but
> since the kapps dont have WinMain it raises a linker error claiming
> that function is missing (which is true) so whenever I hit that error
> i go and change the CMake file to be /subsystem:console.  Is this
> supposed to be the case or has something gone awry?
There was a change in the cmake build system, which seems to break to 
much. A temporay solutions is:

in kdelibs/cmake/modules  see the macro (KDE4_ADD_EXECUTABLE _target_NAME)

and comment out the following the set line

   # for GUI apps, this disables the additional console under Windows
   if (WIN32)
#      set(_add_executable_param WIN32)
   endif (WIN32)

and relink executables
> Another thing is I've been trying to run the applications that have
> built successfully (with the console subsystem fix) and i get the dbus
> usage print out whenever i try to run anything:
try running kdeinit -v 

This should start dbus, klauncher and kded

The manual way is

start klauncher
start kded

BTW: this requires to have dbus install path into PATH env var.

> create process C:\Program Files\dbus\bin\dbus-daemon.exe C:\Program
> Files\dbus\bin\dbus-daemon.exe  --session
> dbus-daemon [--version] [--session] [--system] [--config-file=FILE]
> [--print-address[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--print-pid[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--fork]
> [--nofork] [--introspect]
> Then it just times out and disappears.  If there's something special I
> need to be doing with DBus some insight would be fantastic.  I'm
> getting oh so close!  Just a little further!
I you have further questions, please ask again. :-)


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