Weird happenings with the latest SVN update

Ryan Loebs obsidianx at
Sat Jan 13 09:20:58 CET 2007

I updated my SVN directory before retrying the win32 build but a new
error started popping up.  The fix is easy but I don't know if it'll
prevent me from running the app....

CMake generates NMake Makefiles that specify /subsystem:windows but
since the kapps dont have WinMain it raises a linker error claiming
that function is missing (which is true) so whenever I hit that error
i go and change the CMake file to be /subsystem:console.  Is this
supposed to be the case or has something gone awry?

Another thing is I've been trying to run the applications that have
built successfully (with the console subsystem fix) and i get the dbus
usage print out whenever i try to run anything:

create process C:\Program Files\dbus\bin\dbus-daemon.exe C:\Program
Files\dbus\bin\dbus-daemon.exe  --session
dbus-daemon [--version] [--session] [--system] [--config-file=FILE]
[--print-address[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--print-pid[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--fork]
[--nofork] [--introspect]

Then it just times out and disappears.  If there's something special I
need to be doing with DBus some insight would be fantastic.  I'm
getting oh so close!  Just a little further!


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