building libraries with mingw

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Wed Aug 29 08:22:27 CEST 2007

Saro Engels schrieb:
> I currently try to make kde-network compile with mingw and there are 
> still some errors left; Since I wanted to get jabber support as well, I 
> try to build libidn myself, but I had no luck yet.
If you refering to libidn from the 
reason is because libidn uses automake, which does not work well under 
native win32.

You can try to use a  custom Makefile to generate the library and tools 
or to port it to the cmake buildsystem (see for more 
> So to Christian and Ralf: can you point me to how you're making your 
> packages for the installer? 
Packages for the installer could be build with the kdewin-packager tool 
which is part of the kdewin-installer package.

To build a bin/lib and doc package for say mypackage with version 1.2.3 
for mingw you may install the related package from the build dir to a 
temporary location say c:\temp\mypackage-install and run

kdewin-packager -name mypackage -version 1.2.3 -type mingw -root 

This will create up to three zip archives in the current directory .

If you like to have a source package too you should add the option 
-srcroot followed by the directory of the source.
There are some more options, which could be displayed when running 
kdewin-packager without any options.


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