automatic build

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at
Mon Aug 27 07:50:04 CEST 2007

> Von: Saro Engels
> Hello all!
> To make work a bit more effective, I have set up an automatic build 
> system on one windows box over here;
> It is building until now just some of the packages from kde and I can 
> easily add some more in the future. Build is scheduled every three hours 
>   and is running all day. On IRC you can see the results of the last 
> build with the command: 'PaddyBot: builds' and you can list the packages 
> with: 'PaddyBot: list'. You can get some help and the web-address in the 
> same way using the command help. There is a web-server running as well 
> which gets all log-files from the builds. For the address either write 
> me a mail or have a look in the help at irc.
> As some kde-packages are building fine already, I want to ask whether 
> the system should package them using kdewin-packager as well.
Why don't you tried the build system from Holger and instead created a new one?? 


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