win2k/Vista test app
Saro Engels
ps_ml at
Thu Aug 9 05:57:18 CEST 2007
As I already mentioned on this list, I am currently experimenting with
packaging of KDE-Apps. Since CMake has an integrated support for
building nsis-installers, I want to make some issues with nsis clear.
Since I don't have access to a Windows 2000 nor Windows Vista machine I
want to ask all readers who have access to one of these OS to try the
attached installer on these machines.
You can recompile the app with the attached source as well.
Please run the installer from the commandline:
X:\> test-win32.exe /S
It should give out something similar:
CurrentVersion NT 5.1
ProductName Microsoft Windows XP
CSDVersion Service Pack 2
Please press enter after you got those messages.
Next try to run:
X:\> test-win32.exe /S > test-win32.out
If you can see the output in your file, everything worked fine.
Please mail me your results (both whether you are getting errors or not)
If you have any further suggestions answer onlist.
Thanks in advance
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Name: test-win32.exe
Type: application/x-msdos-program
Size: 38396 bytes
Desc: not available
Url :
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