Bug 134743: sh*t does not compile: Could NOT find QtCore

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Mon Oct 9 06:32:49 CEST 2006

Marcel Partap schrieb:
>> As you already found out, you need two qtcore libraries - qtcore4.dll
>> and qtcored4.dll (the debug version of qtcore4.dll). You have to compile
>> the debug libs by your own as they are not shipped with the installer.
> Yeah but I do have both files, I have followed the procedure from http://www.kdelibs.com/wiki/index.php/Building_KDElibs_4_using_GCC_and_MinGW, applying qt-copy-patches to QT4.2.0-rc1 and compiling it with
>  configure -qt-gif -plugin-sql-odbc -plugin-sql-sqlite -fast
>  mingw32-make
>  mingw32-make install
> .. and so I do have both files in C:\Qt\4.2.0-rc1\lib, but Sh*t avoids being compiled. How come?
Make sure qnmake is ni your path. Also take a look into CMakeCache.txt
if both vars are set correct and maybe use cmakesetup.exe to configure


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