updated win32libs package

Igor Mironchick imironchick at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 19:35:39 CET 2006

Good evening.
7z packages are usefull.
But I can't understand for what this race after the universality. Is it so
necessary to combine all functionality in a one DLL??? In my apinion this
this may cause only problems, cause there is must to be a standart.

My proposal is segregate win32libs in a to branches, looks like mingw (gcc)
and other. This can solve many problems. And why, dear Christian, you are
compile win32libs with MSVCRT80 ??? It's not so good idea too, in my apinion
of cause. If I mistaken then enlighten me please.

P.S. Зачем придумывать себе проблемы :) ??? Sorry, it's in russian.

Igor Mironchick,
Intervale (c)
#ICQ 240-470-525
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