[Kde-windows] [patch] KAccel broken for kdelibs3.5 /win32

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Mon Nov 14 14:58:03 CET 2005

Shortcuts didn't work at all on win32. Since win32 depends more on Qt 
shortcuts, rather than X11, I was forced to undo the changes made by Luboš 

Non-win32 code is not affected.

OK to commit or wait with this?
(the same problem with kdelibs4)

regards / pozdrawiam,
  Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska
  Kexi Developer:
      http://www.kexi-project.org | http://koffice.org/kexi
  Kexi support:
  KDE3, KDE4 libraries for developing MS Windows applications:
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