Raphael getting new kdeutils coordinator

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 20:02:23 CEST 2011

Michael Zanetti <mzanetti at kde.org> writes:

> Hooray for the new Coordinator :)
> Indeed it was noticeable that Friedrich had moved on to something bigger :) so
> its really great we have someone to take care of the module in the future.
> With all the git conversion stuff you seem to be the right person for it as you
> probalby have read through the whole history of all applications :)
>> Thanks also to the other kdeutils contributors, was a fun job all the time!
> Thank you too. I'll always remember the day when I read your blog post that
> made me part of this module.

Thank you guys :)

Right now I'm here in Randa for Platform 11, and hope to represent
kdeutils in case it's needed.

> P.S: Time for a new kdeutils group photo at the Desktop Summit! Who's in?

Count me in!

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