Merging the kdeutils-build-standalone branch

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at
Sat Jul 23 16:59:52 CEST 2011

Hello there,

In preparation for our git migration, Nicolás Alvarez and I worked on a
kdeutils branch a few weeks ago to support building kdeutils as a whole
module (ie. the way it is currently built) and also as standalone
applications (so that one can checkout only kgpg and build it, for

The idea is to merge this branch [1] to both 4.7 and trunk in a few days
(as soon as we are sure the 4.7.0 tag will not be recreated by
Dirk). This is work which would need to be done anyway once we move to
git and have separate repositories.

The git migration itself is probably going to happen during Desktop
Summit, which is a period I am certain I will have some time to dedicate
to KDE.

Anyone interested is welcome to checkout the mentioned branch and check
if the applications build fine.

[1] It is in /branches/work/kdeutils-build-standalone in SVN

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